Bottomland and Swamp Forests Symposium, October 31 - November 2, 2017

This 1.5-day conference and extensive field tour are sponsored by the North Carolina Forest Service.

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Call for Poster Abstracts

Symposium Participation

Advanced registration is required. Professional and student rates are available with early registration discounts in effect until September 30, 2017. Those interested in attending as poster presenters should first submit an abstract for consideration before registering to attend. The registration fees, abstract submission form, and online registration form will be posted here in the near future.

Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2017

General Information: The Bottomland and Swamp Forests Symposium will be hosted by North Carolina State University and North Carolina Forest Service. The meeting will be held at the Riverside Hilton Hotel in Wilmington, North Carolina located within Wilmington's Historic District. The Symposium will consist of a one-and-a-half-day technical session, an evening poster session, and an optional field tour on the last day. One goal of this symposium is to bring scientists, natural resource professionals, forest managers, decision makers, and others from academia, government, non-profit, and private industry sector to discuss the past, present, and future state of Bottomland and Swamp Forests. Attendees with hear from practitioners and researchers from throughout the Southeastern US who have the latest information, data, and experience in bottomland and swamp forest systems. A comprehensive field tour covering major types of bottomland and swamp forest systems is planned for November 2. We look forward to your formal poster presentation submission.

Instructions for Poster Submissions: Poster presentations of research conducted by students, faculty members, or other natural resource professionals are being solicited for the evening poster session and reception scheduled on the evening of October 31. Posters can be on any aspect of Ecology, Hydrology, Silviculture, and/or Market/Non-Market values in bottomland and swamp forests. A central goal of the poster session is to encourage communication and collaboration among researchers and programs. Posters designed primarily as advertisements for publication or products will not be accepted. Posters of recently completed research, as well as preliminary findings of ongoing work is encouraged.

Interested individuals should prepare an abstract of no more than 250 words maximum (MS Word). Abstracts should include: Author(s) Names and work titles, Corresponding Author Contact Information, Poster Title (no more than 18 words), and a 250 Word (maximum) Abstract. Submissions should be written using size 12 Times New Roman Font. Please follow this link for an example abstract. Multiple abstracts must be e-mailed separately. You can also download a sample template here.

Abstracts selected for presentation are to be presented as paper-printed posters to be mounted on 48-in by 60-in landscape space, prior to the poster session, by the author, who is asked to remain with the poster during the poster session (~1 hour), responding to questions from interested observers.

Abstract Submissions are due 11:59 pm (Eastern time) Friday September 1, 2017. North Carolina Forest Service Staff will review abstracts, and make selections based on submitted abstracts for poster presentations. Authors will be notified on or before September 8. Note that earlier submissions may receive earlier notification. Author(s) of accepted poster presentations should register for the symposium within 30 days to acknowledge their participation. Click Here to register.

Please send abstracts and/or questions by e-mail to

Posters should be printed on paper that can be attached using pushpins (provided) to a corkboard surface. The allotted wall space for each poster is 48-in by 60-in (landscape). You may have smaller dimension posters if they fit within these dimensions. Poster locations will be identified by a number assigned to them. Poster presenters should not bring any electronic audio/visual aids to their posters, as we cannot guarantee power access. Presenters will be allowed to post handouts or other publications related to their poster in the space provided.

Please note that the lighting in the poster area is somewhat subdued so you should prepare your poster accordingly with appropriate backgrounds and colors. Make sure that fonts, tables, and photos are large enough to be easily viewable.

The set-up times for posters is Tuesday October 31 between 12:00 pm and 2:30 pm. Poster presenters should come prepared to staff their posters during the designated poster session on Tuesday, October 31 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Posters should be removed after lunch on Wednesday, November 1. All posters not removed by 5:00 pm on November 1 will be discarded.